Home Products and Services Online Training for Leadership and Diversity in Social Care

Online Training for Leadership and Diversity in Social Care

by mojohand

Relias provides online training with the power to impact the most important challenges in your care organisation. We have over 300 online courses for care in our libraries. Our extensive range of leadership training for care professionals spans the areas of performance management, business and finance, soft skills, emotional intelligence and administration. Examples of topics which have been supporting our clients with their leadership challenges throughout the pandemic are:

  • Being an Effective Manager When Times Are Tough
  • Staying Balanced in a Shifting World
  • Navigating Challenging Situations with Diplomacy and Tact
  • Navigating Other People’s Emotions
  • Reaching Goals Using Perseverance and Resilience

Our course topics which assist with issues of diversity in leadership include:

  • Understanding Unconscious Bias
  • Overcoming Your Own Unconscious Biases

Click here to see our full list of our course topics.

Relias has been providing online learning for care providers since 2002, helping organisations to nurture staff development and enhance quality of care. Over 10,000 organisations and more than 4.5 million learners are now using the Relias learning management system globally, enjoying an intuitive learning experience, expert course content and engaging delivery. Our courses are highly interactive, employing the very best instructional design to ensure learners really learn.

As well as leadership training Relias clients also have access to essential learning for their staff, covering statutory/mandatory requirements, clinical skills, the Care Certificate, and dementia care. Our dementia care training includes the Relias virtual reality experience ‘A Day in the Life of Henry’. The Relias learning management system incorporates gaming elements, using rewards and friendly competition to make compliance training more fun and enjoyable for staff, and automated memory boosters to ensure they remember and apply their training. We make life simple and save time for administrators by doing away with duplication of effort, multiple systems and spreadsheets. Instead, clients can manage online learning, face-to-face training, their own training content and policies/procedures in one intuitive, built-for-healthcare platform, and take the pain out of CQC inspection with simple yet sophisticated reporting.

Bespoke Training

If a required topic can’t already be found in our extensive library we can design and build it with you. We’re experts at helping providers realise their unique visions by translating their expertise into high-end digital learning. We’ve worked with clients to create online courses for all kinds of topics, such as supporting employee mental health, social isolation awareness during lockdown, suicide prevention, care navigation, and chronic conditions.

Free Coronavirus Toolkit

Relias also provides a free Coronavirus Toolkit featuring unlimited access to relevant resources to help care professionals prevent the spread of infection. In this kit we offer five of our relevant hygiene courses free of charge, as well as on-demand webinars and mental health resources. In these challenging times we feel it’s important for care staff to have direct access to this information without having to fill out any details or make any kind of purchase. These online courses can be worked through in a browser without the need for any special software or a log-in.

Click here to access our free Coronavirus Toolkit.



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