Care England has today expressed disappointment with the silence on social care in the King’s Speech.
In response, Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, said:
“When Boris Johnson was first elected as Prime Minister, he stood on the steps of 10 Downing Street and promised to fix social care. 3 Prime Ministers later, that promise sits broken. With silence on social care in the King’s Speech, the pressure is now on the former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Jeremy Hunt, to outline how the Government can make true on its promise. Whilst last year’s Autumn Statement saw an unprecedented investment into the sector, the dial has not tangibly shifted. The stabilisation of the social care sector is crucial for those who rely on care and support and for the 1.6 million strong workforce, the NHS, the tax-payer, and the economy more broadly. Care England remains hopeful that the Autumn Statement will be an opportunity to show that this Government is truly committed to fixing social care.”