Home Movers & Shakers Nottinghamshire care home where staff are described as ‘angels’ is rated outstanding

Nottinghamshire care home where staff are described as ‘angels’ is rated outstanding

by Kirsty Kirsty

The 62-bedded care home specialises in the provision of nursing, residential dementia and is part of the nationwide Maria Mallaband Care Group.

It was found to offer safe, “exceptionally responsive”, “exceptionally caring”, and “exceptionally well-led” care, with the home receiving an ‘outstanding’ rating in two of the four inspected areas, leading to an overall rating of ‘Outstanding’.

The inspectors’ report notes people and their relatives said they were “exceptionally happy with the care provided” and “described staff as ‘Angels’.”

They highlighted the homes’ philosophy of “Family” finding it “truly embedded in the culture of the home,” adding: “People and staff told us they felt like family. Staff in every role displayed highly motivated and compassionate attitudes. Patience and kindness were shown at every opportunity.”

They also pointed out the “strong embedded person-centred culture at the home” and that and that “activities were truly person centred.”

By way of example, the report relays that: “One person had a lifelong wish to visit their childhood home, staff approached the new owners of the house and made this happen for the person, this had a significant impact on their overall well-being.

“Another person had lost touch with life-long friends and had lost pets since becoming unwell. Staff researched and were successful in finding the friends and pets they had lost. They were all reunited at Belvoir Vale.”

Jo Widdowson, outgoing Care Home Manager at Belvoir Vale and MMCG Regional Director said:

“I would like to send a huge congratulations and thank you to all the team at Belvoir Vale, and services supporting the home who have worked hard in our journey to achieving an Outstanding rating from CQC – I can’t put it into words, what a way to begin 2024!”

Belvoir Vale is designed like a care village, with three care homes in grounds of over two acres. Each building is purpose built and all bedrooms are attractively furnished with en-suite facilities including a choice of bright and attractive lounges, dining rooms, and hairdressers and an enclosed garden and patio area.

The unannounced inspection, which took place in October, saw inspectors speak to staff, those living in the home and their relatives, as assessing records and observing interactions, with inspectors noting: “We viewed many examples of the exceptional care people received.”

The report notes that the “home was exceptionally clean” and that “people were well supported as individuals, in line with their needs and preferences.” It adds that “staff encouraged, empowered, and supported people to share their views” and “people were always treated with the highest level of respect and with their dignity preserved.”

The inspectors found “feedback from both people and staff was excellent” and concluded that: “People were undoubtedly at the heart of everything at Belvoir Vale.”

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