Bentley Grange, the latest care home in the Maria Mallaband Care Group (MMCG), has welcomed its new management team in preparation for welcoming its first residents later this month.
The state-of-the-art home, opening its doors for the first time in March, will provide a luxurious living environment with 60 en-suite bedrooms across 3 floors, and outstanding facilities such as a cinema, wellness suite offering holistic therapies, cinema, salon, 2nd floor bar area leading onto an open roof terrace.
Michael Zinaka, Commissioning Home Manager and Ben Maynard, Customer Relations Manager, both joined the team with the goal of offering the best possible environment and care for those moving into the home, the aim is that it will bring wider benefits and become a valued part of the local community.
Michael Zinaka, Commissioning Home Manager, says:
“We want to empower those living with us to lead fulfilling, meaningful lives – to follow hobbies and interests, maintain and develop relationships and continue to feel part and contribute to the life of the community they belong to, as well as the life of the home.
“The journey with Ben has already started on such a positive note, with us being warmly welcomed into the community and starting as we mean to go, so we have high expectations for Bentley Grange and all that we can offer those living with us.”
Michael joined Maria Mallaband Care Group (MMCG) in December bringing with him a decade of care industry experience across roles including General Manager, Regional Director and Business Development Executive.
He has brought together a new team which has already been forging connections within the community, including Ben Maynard who has joined with a wealth of experience managing customer service teams, running hospitality venues and supervising welfare-to-work programmes.
Adds Ben Maynard, Customer Relations Manager:
“With the personalised activities, therapeutic programmes and community connections, we want to create a home that allows everyone living with us to have a sense of belonging and purpose while being surrounded by a supportive and caring team.”
Bentley Grange is the latest home to be developed by the MMCG, which has over 80 care homes across the country.
It will feature landscaped grounds, with both private and shared patios, with planting to encourage bees, butterflies and other wildlife to visit. Inside there is a choice of lounges, dining rooms as well as numerous social areas including a rooftop terrace and bar and Grandchildren’s rooms, designed to encourage multi-generational visits and keep family connections as strong as possible.
To find out more about the Maria Mallaband Care Group, or job opportunities visit: