The recent dramatic expansion of new healthcare roles in the English NHS, including physician…
IntegrationSocial Care
Care England calls for urgent action as winter pressures on NHS expose lack of coordination with social care
Care England, the leading voice of adult social care providers in England, has expressed…
Innovative Shared Care Record launched in mid and south Essex to transform health and social care delivery
Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (MSE ICS), in partnership with Orion Health,…
IntegrationTechnology and Innovations
Log my Care and PainChek® join forces to improve person-centred care for vulnerable people
Log my Care, the leading care management platform, and PainChek®, the world’s first regulatory-cleared…
CampaignsIntegrationNHSSocial Care
New care record supports providers in delivering more joined up care across London
Shared Care Records are joining up patient information across different care settings in London,…
Jon Rallings, Senior Policy Advisor for Adult Social Care, County Councils Network As 2022…
Sarah Jenkins, Marketing Executive, Nourish Care Integrations are the hot topic of 2023. From…
Department of Health & Social CareIntegrationWorkforce
Workforce is the main but not the only concern for the adult social care sector writes
Simon Bottery, Senior Fellow, Social Care, The King’s Fund The former Prime Minister Tony…
Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN Integrating housing with health and care While the Levelling…
Professor Martin Green OBE The term integration is one that is used regularly in…