Thanks to the use of an innovative visual language, communication for people with dementia…
Market Updates
HousingMarket UpdatesReports
New report from Knight Frank/Irwin Mitchell: Two Years of Progress Lost in Planning for Seniors Housing Accommodation- Pace of Change Stalls Despite Needs Increasing
Just under a third (32%) of local authorities still do not have clear policies…
Level’s unique analysis of the UK care home industry has revealed that, despite claims…
Last year’s conference in Iceland, ‘Older and Better’, brought to light how providers are…
Rob Kinsman, Regional Director for Care at Christie & Co, gives an overview of…
Exemplar Health Care, a leading provider of nursing care for adults with complex needs,…
Following the UK strikes in Yemen, energy prices are set to spike again over…
The health and social work industry has been revealed as the UK’s ‘riskiest’ industry,…
Care HomesMarket UpdatesMergers and Acquistions
HC-One Acquires Ideal Carehomes
by Lisa Carrby Lisa CarrHC-One has announced the acquisition of Ideal Carehomes from Warwick Capital Partners and LNT…
Market UpdatesReportsSocial CareWorkforce
Skills for Care to develop workforce strategy for adult social care – as new report shows a year of ‘green shoots’ and ongoing challenges
by Lisa Carrby Lisa CarrSkills for Care has published its annual State of the Adult Social Care Sector…