Home Home Care Older people feel cancelled according to Home Instead research

Older people feel cancelled according to Home Instead research

by Kirsty Kirsty

A new survey from Home Instead has been carried out to better understand the hopes, fears and aspirations of the UK’s population towards retirement and later life.

The findings of this latest piece of consumer research from the company are captured in a report, ‘The New Ageing Index’.  The results show that many older people feel excluded and marginalised, leading to an increased sense of isolation and loneliness.

The survey of 1,000 adults also found that traditional stereotypes about retirement and old age have become outdated with older people embracing sport and dating in later life as well as espousing an active, healthy and dynamic lifestyle. It also showed this group’s eagerness to learn about, and use, technology in their daily lives.

Some of the key findings include:

  • Over a third of respondents believe being old is like being cancelled and this rises for women aged over 75.
  • Older generation’s dynamic lifestyles start with fitness – with an incredible 89% of the UK’s oldest people now espousing an active lifestyle
  • Rather than fearing tech, people increasingly embrace it and want more products aimed at them including AI to combat loneliness
  • Independence is a priority – people are more concerned about the prospect of ending up a care home (44% ) than they would be about the death of a partner (36%)

Commenting on the research, Home Instead CEO UK & International Martin Jones MBE said, “We urgently need to challenge how older people are both perceived and treated in this country.

“Traditional stereotypes have become completely outdated. Older people can make a huge contribution and it’s clear from our research that they want to embrace life and be catered for at every level.

“This research shows that we need to bin the stereotype and rethink what it means to old in Britain today.

“Today’s older generation want to be active, to have fun – and to be involved.

“The image we may have of retirees whose horizons have shrunk to just a bit of daytime TV and a cup of tea simply doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.”

You can find full details of the findings and download a copy of the report here: https://www.homeinstead.co.uk/new-ageing-index/

The research will be repeated quarterly across a full calendar year looking into new aspects of age and ageing each time.

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